How We Choose 

Birmingham offers a wealth of options for you to indulge, explore, and unwind. Whether it’s cosy cafés and buzzing markets or professional services, the sky’s the limit. But that can make it hard to find providers that are truly worth your time, energy, and money. That’s the core of the All Right Birmingham existence. We’re here to make it easier for you to make informed decisions. How? Well, we do all the legwork so you don’t have to. 

Our selection process involves thorough market research to help us identify the best options available. We look for leaders in their respective industries and put their services to the test. 

We determine, first and foremost, if a service is delivering what it promises. Does the best curry restaurant indeed serve the best curry and couple that with authenticity and service? Or does a service promising convenience really provide accessibility and overall ease?

Once we’ve got that down to pat, we compare the providers against the competition. We check where they excel and where they fall short. But most importantly, we determine the value they provide to their customers and determine whether availing of their offers gives you your money’s worth. 

While we base our content on personal experience, we realise that a single experience doesn’t paint the full picture. That’s why, in addition to firsthand experience, we also incorporate real customer feedback. We speak to past clients and patrons to uncover both glowing reviews and complaints.

Our extensive process all boils down to one question: whether or not we would personally recommend a service or provider. If yes, then it’s added to our list. But if not, we do the entire process again to find options worthy of being called the best in Birmingham.
